Last updated on 08.02.2025

About us

Are you aware of your roots? We do because we have already conducted the search – and found YOU!

Legal succession always occurs when a deceased does not leave a last will or the document was invalidated. If probate courts or estate executors fail to locate heirs, researchers are designated or the responsible probate court issues a ruling in keeping with inheritance laws. Should an heir not respond within a given period of time, fiscal law of succession takes precedence, meaning that the government becomes entitled to the inheritance. In either case we become involved. If administrators of an estate cannot locate beneficiaries with the means at their disposal, we become active.

As an internationally-operating German company specializing in locating heirs, we are dedicated to clarifing unresolved inheritance issues throughout the world.

In many instances that involves laborious research of church records, civil registries or archives. It is a job that in many cases demands comprehensive, yet regionally different, local knowledge of information sources. Often visits to promising archival resources are unavoidable. That is why we partner with local correspondents and partner offices in the most important areas of German emigration and immigration (including the United States, England, Australia, Ireland, South Africa, the Netherlands, in today’s Poland and the Czech Republic). In addition we maintain access to international computer files and make an ongoing effort to expand the depth of our own resources.


We provide our services for

  • estate administrators,
  • attorneys and notaries
  • legal representatives,
  • members of large communities of heirs and
  • private parties
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